2021 Screenplay CGI adventure, comedy Jazzy and Bob, two mosquito children born on the wrong side of the swamp save their town from human extermination, winning a place in the elite Mozzie Squadron. La Dolce Vita Cine Roma (Best Screenplay), Oasis Cine Awards (Best Screenplay), Rome Independent Prisma Awards (Official Selection), Indo Overseas Film Festival (Official Selection).
In development: The coming of age adventures of refugee child, Emelia Dulce, an Australian-Chilean living and her strict family of seven generation wedding cake makers living in Sans Souci, Sydney. Emelia has this thing about salt. It's the only rock she eats. A feature screenplay written by Guillermo Martin Sepulveda. Second draft.
In development: ELISHA, a troubled young woman is compelled by her imaginary friend KRIS to kill her demons who have taken on the appearance of her family. Horror feature screenplay. Written by Guillermo Martin Sepulveda
In development: Comedy, drama, coming of naked and age. Andy comes from 4 generations of streakers. He can get naked in front of thousands but not in front of one woman. Brett can get naked in front of any woman but he can't be open with any of them. Two friends help each other out with riotous and surprising results. Written by Guillermo. Second draft.
Horror. Spontaneous Human Combustion. Thriller. Sarah has a horrifying curse. She is a descendent of the 'Wickers' bloodline destined to spontaneously combust in punishment for their 500 year crime. Can Sarah lift the curse before she is triggerd to burn and save her unborn child? A feature screenplay by Guillermo Martin Sepulveda. Second draft.
In development: A female police officer loses her moral compass hunting down the mysterious killers of her family and in the process turns into a formidable executioner fearing becoming the monster that is her absent gangster father. Written by Guillermo Martin Sepulveda